Based on kubeadm installation instructions, we can’t directly install it on MacOS. But with the help of Vagrant and VirtualBox, we can quickly create a local kubenetes cluster.

  1. Install VirtualBox and Vagrant(
  2. Create three virtualbox instances, one as a master node and the other two as workder nodes. You can use this Vagrantfile. Basically we will:
    a. Use ubuntu/bionic64 as the OS
    b. Set up a private network and use IP subnet “192.168.5.X” (master nodes will use, worker nodes will use
    c. Update /etc/hosts to set up the host record to all nodes
    d. Add Google’s open dns to /etc/resolver.conf file
    e. Once you finish the above process, you can run vagrant status, you will get something like below
       kubemaster                running (virtualbox)
    kubenode01 running (virtualbox)
    kubenode02 running (virtualbox)
  3. Install Docker runtime on all three instances by following
  4. Follow to install the kubeadm.
    a. Letting iptables see bridged traffic
    b. Installing kubeadm/kubelet and kubectl
  5. Follow to create a cluster.
    a. Initializing a control-plane node kubeadm init --pod-network-cid= --apiserver-advertise-address=192.1168.5.11 . Here specifies the subnet for pods on worker nodes. You can give a different one. Once it’s installed successfully, you can run kubectl get nodes and the master nodes will be displayed as NotReady as expected
    b. Installing a Pod network add-on by following Here we choose WeaveNet which doesn’t need any additional configuration.
    c. Join the worker nodes to the cluster. If you forget the tokens, you can run kubeadm token create --print-join-command and run the kubeadm join command in all worker nodes.
  6. Now if you run kubectl get nodes, you can get a result as below.
    NAME         STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    kubemaster Ready control-plane,master 9h v1.22.3
    kubenode01 Ready <none> 9h v1.22.3
    kubenode02 Ready <none> 9h v1.22.3